Performance Management |
Performance management is a critical component to your company's success. That's
why EmCentrix's human resources management system includes a robust
performance management module that allows you to conduct performance reviews
online, making it significantly easier to measure employee performance.
Dynamic User Created Reviews |
Using our system, companies can create, manage, and deliver their own performance
review forms online. Multiple forms can be created and the user who initiates an
employee's review can decide which to use. Administrators can create and distribute
performance review templates to multiple employers from within the Master
Administration module. Even the rating scale used to score items can be customized
to suite what the company wants. |
Sessions |
Once the forms are built, companies can create review sessions to determine
performance review participants and time frames. Sessions allow employers to
control both the who and the when of performance reviews; a review is only available
to a user if they are included in the session and the session is active (that is, the start
date has arrived). Sessions allow employers to easily conduct (and track) multiple
reviews for a specific level, manager, or individual employee. |
Dashboards |
Performance review dashboards allow employers, managers, and employees to
quickly and easily access all of their performance information. The dashboards
provide overviews of current sessions and pending items, as well as access to the
various parts of the module. |
Performance Feedback |
The best performance reviews include in-depth discussions between all participants.
When users conduct reviews, they can easily add comments to each review item and
share them with the other participants. This provides companies with a platform to
easily and thoroughly document performance feedback from managers, employees,
and HR staff, while allowing the participants to engage in an involved dialog about
the employee's performance. |
Recommended Compensation |
When conducting reviews, managers and HR staff can log suggestions on how to
reward employees for their work performance. Users can recommend multiple types
of compensation, including pay raises, one time bonuses, or other compensation.
The employer can then decide on which recommendation is best, approve it, and
when the review is fully completed the recommendation will be available to be
imported into the rates page for processing. |
Custom Workflows |
Every company has its own way of doing things, and that includes conducting
performance reviews. One company's workflow might not fit another. In order to
provide the best solution possible, we can help companies customize the review
workflow to suit their company's processes if our standard workflow does not
match the company's tastes. |
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